Thursday, September 22, 2011

To Run By The Light Of The Moon

If you had told me at 18 that I would look forward to getting up at 4:30 am to go run of all things, I would have seriously doubted your mental status!

But I do. I do look forward to it.

I didn't the first time I decided to try it. But then I stepped out of my door and there was a full moon lighting up the sky! It was like God was saying, "Here, I left the light on for you!" (And it was bright enough I could have run by moonlight if not for all the street lamps.) What a light!
The next time I spotted the North star! And the time after that I spotted Orion, looking like he was cheering me on.
And nothing can compare to the cool crisp air of early morning. It is so invigorating and refreshing! I am much more at home in what others would deem cold than the overpoweringly heavy humidity and heat of the day. I can't wait to run in the snow!

To come home before anyone else in the house is awake (well, beyond our two kittens who think I am up just to play with them)  and get a hot shower or bath is pure bliss. I am much more able to handle the challenges of the day to come, and feel much more energized. I have even noticed that on days I don't get up and run I miss it.

Now if only I could get myself in bed earlier....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

26.2 With Donna

"Google 26.2 With Donna. This is what I want for my birthday."

That was the text that my beloved husband got around midnight one night while he was on call at the hospital. He was very confused as to who the heck "Donna" was, but googled it anyway to find out what exactly I wanted for my birthday.

I wanted to run a marathon.

Not just any marathon. THAT marathon. The National Marathon To Finish Breast Cancer. My request now made more sense to my bleary eyed husband.

"Go for it!"

That was not the response I had expected. I thought I would have to talk him into it. I had a list of arguments all ready to defend my wish. I thought he would think it was just some crazy fleeting idea that I would never see through. I had only a few weeks ago started running to get back into shape after giving birth to our son. I was sure he would think I was biting off more than I could chew. It had only been two weeks since I started getting up at 4:30 in the morning to run before he went to work. I just knew he would think I wouldn't have the discipline to keep doing that.

But I didn't have to explain a thing. I didn't even have to tell him why. He knew. That's how well he knows me. And he supported me. The decision was made.

And thus began my journey to run the 2012 National Marathon To Finish Breast Cancer.